Selected Publications


Field-domain rapid-scan EPR at 240 GHz for studies of protein functional dynamics at room temperature
Price, Brad D., Antonín Sojka, Shiny Maity, I. Marcelo Chavez, Matthieu Starck, Maxwell Z. Wilson, Songi Han, and Mark S. Sherwin
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 107744 (2024).

Bloch-Wave Interferometry of Driven Quasiparticles in Bulk GaAs
Seamus D. O’Hara, Joseph B. Costello, Qile Wu, Ken West, Loren Pfeiffer, Mark S. Sherwin
Phys. Rev. B 109, 054308 (2024)

Compact module for complementary-channel THz pulse slicing
Brad D. Price, Antonín Sojka, Nikolay Agladze, Mark S. Sherwin
Applied Physics Letters, 124(2), 021107 (2024).


Breaking a Bloch-wave interferometer: Quasiparticle species-specific temperature-dependent nonequilibrium dephasing
Joseph B. Costello, Seamus D. O’Hara, Qile Wu, Moonsuk Jang, Loren N. Pfeiffer, Ken W. West, and Mark S. Sherwin
Physical Review B108(19), 195205 (2023).

Gadolinium Spin Decoherence Mechanisms at High Magnetic Fields
C. Blake Wilson, Mian Qi, Songi Han, and Mark S. Sherwin
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14, 10578-10584 (2023).

Order-of-Magnitude SNR Improvement for High-Field EPR Spectrometers via 3D-Printed Quasioptical Sample Holders
Antonin Sojka, Brad D. Price, Mark S. Sherwin
Science Advances 9, eadi7412 (2023).

Terahertz EPR spectroscopy using a 36-tesla high-homogeneity series-connected hybrid magnet
Dubroca, T., Wang, X., Mentink-Vigier, F., Trociewitz, B., Starck, M., Parker, D., Sherwin, M.S., Hill, S. and Krzystek, J
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 107480 (2023)

Indium-Bond-And-Stop-Etch (IBASE) Technique for Dual-side Processing of Thin High-mobility GaAs/AlGaAs Epitaxial Layers
Changyun Yoo, Kenneth W. West, Loren N. Pfeiffer, Chris A. Curwen, Jonathan H. Kawamura, Boris S. Karasik, Mark S. Sherwin
Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 233502 (2023)

[Editors’ Suggestion] Explicit formula for high-order sideband polarization by extreme tailoring of Feynman path integrals
Qile Wu, Mark S. Sherwin
Phys. Rev. B 107, 174308 (2023)

Triggered functional dynamics of AsLOV2 by time-resolved electron paramagnetic resonance at high magnetic fields
Shiny Maity, Brad D. Price, C. Blake Wilson, Arnab Mukherjee, Matthieu Starck, David Parker, Maxwell Z. Wilson, Janet E. Lovett, Songi Han, Mark S. Sherwin
Angewandte Chemie, e202212832 (2023)


Reconstruction of Bloch wavefunctions of holes in a semiconductor
J. B. Costello, S. D. O’Hara, Q. Wu, D. C. Valovcin, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West, and M. S. Sherwin
Nature 599, 57-61 (2021)

Magnetic properties and signatures of moment ordering in the triangular lattice antiferromagnet KCeO2
Mitchell M. Bordelon, Xiaoling Wang, Daniel M. Pajerowski, Arnab Banerjee, Mark Sherwin, Craig M. Brown, M. S. Eldeeb, T. Petersen, L. Hozoi, U. K. Rößler, Martin Mourigal, and Stephen D. Wilson
Phys. Rev. B 104, 094421 (2021)


Trigonal Bipyramidal V3+ Complex as an Optically Addressable Molecular Qubit Candidate
Majed S. Fataftah, Sam L. Bayliss, Daniel W. Laorenza, Xiaoling Wang, Brian T. Phelan, C. Blake Wilson, Peter J. Mintun, Berk D. Kovos, Michael R. Wasielewski, Songi Han, Mark S. Sherwin, David D. Awschalom, Danna E. Freedman
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 142, 48, 20400–20408 (2020) [www]

Dressed Rabi Oscillation in a Crystalline Organic Radical
C. Blake Wilson, Devin T. Edwards, Jessica A. Clayton, Songi Han, Mark S. Sherwin
Physics Review Letters 124 047201 (2020) [www]

Spin Current from Sub-terahertz-generated Antiferromagnetic Magnons
Junxue Li, C. Blake Wilson, Ran Cheng, Mark Lohmann, Marzieh Kavand, Wei Yuan, Mohammed Aldosary, Nikolay Agladze, Peng Wei, Mark S. Sherwin, Jing Shi
Nature 578, 70–74 (2020) [www]

Demonstration of a Tunable Antenna-Coupled Intersubband Terahertz (TACIT) Mixer
Changyun Yoo, Mengchen Huang, Jonathan Kawamura, Kenneth West, Loren Pfeiffer, Boris Karasik, Mark Sherwin
Applied Physics Letters 116 013504 (2020) [www]


Field-tunable Quantum Disordered Ground State in the Triangular-lattice Antiferromagnet NaYbO2
Mitchell M. Bordelon, Eric Kenney, Chunxiao Liu, Tom Hogan, Lorenzo Posthuma, Marzieh Kavand, Yuanqi Lyu, Mark Sherwin, N. P. Butch, Craig Brown, M. J. Graf, Leon Balents & Stephen D. Wilson
Nature Physics 15, 1058-1064 (2019) [www]


Optical Frequency Combs from High-Order Sideband Generation
Valovcin, Darren ;Banks, Hunter B.; Mack, Shawn; Gossard, Art; West, Ken; Pfeiffer, Loren; Sherwin, Mark S.
Optics Express 26, 29807-29816 (2018) [www][arXiv]

Multi-step phase-cycling in a free-electron laser-powered pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer
Wilson, C.Blake; Aronson, Samuel; Clayton, Jessica A.;Glaser, Steffen J.; Han, Songi; Sherwin, Mark S.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20, 18097 (2018), [www]

Effect of water/glycerol polymorphism on dynamic nuclear polarization
Leavesley, Alisa; Wilson, C.Blake; Sherwin, Mark; Han, Songi
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20, 9897-9903 (2018), [www]

Quantitative analysis of zero-field splitting parameter distributions in Gd(III) complexes
Clayton, Jessica A. ; Keller, Katharina; Qi, Mian; Wegner, Julia; Koch, Vanessa; Hintz, Henrik; Godt, Adelheid; Han, Songi; Jeschke, Gunnar; Sherwin, Mark S. and Yulikov, Maxim
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20, 10470 (2018), [www]


Dynamical Birefringence: Electron-Hole Recollisions as Probes of Berry Curvature
Banks, Hunter B.; Wu, Qile; Valovcin, Darren C.; Mack, Shawn; Gossard, Arthur C.; Pfeiffer, Loren; Liu, Ren-Bao; Sherwin, Mark S.
Physical Review X 7, 041042 (2017), [www]

Gd3+-Gd3+ Distances Exceeding 3nm Determined By Very High Frequency Continuous Wave Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
Clayton, Jessica A.; Qi, Mian; Godt, Adelheid; Goldfarb, Daniella; Han, Songi; Sherwin, Mark S.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, 5127 (2017), [www]


Lightwave-Driven Quasiparticle Collisions On A Subcycle Timescale
Langer, F.; Hohenleutner, M.; Schmid, C. P.; Poellmann, C.; Nagler, P.; Korn, T.; Schueller, C.; Sherwin, M. S.; Huttner, U.; Steiner, J. T.; Koch, S. W.; Kira, M.; Huber, R.
Nature 533, 225 (2016), [www]


Narrow-Band Water-Based Absorber With High Return Loss For Terahertz Spectroscopy
Bailey, Mary Lou P.; Pierce, Andrew T.; Simon, Aaron J.; Edwards, Devin T.; Ramian, Gerald J.; Agladze, Nikolay I.; Sherwin, Mark S.
Ieee Transactions On Terahertz Science And Technology 5, 961 (2015), [www]

High-Precision Gigahertz-To-Terahertz Spectroscopy Of Aqueous Salt Solutions As A Probe Of The Femtosecond-To-Picosecond Dynamics Of Liquid Water
Vinh, N. Q.; Sherwin, Mark S.; Allen, S. James; George, D. K.; Rahmani, A. J.; Plaxco, Kevin W.
Journal Of Chemical Physics 142, (2015), [www]


Determining The Oligomeric Structure Of Proteorhodopsin By Gd3+-Based Pulsed Dipolar Spectroscopy Of Multiple Distances
Edwards, Devin T.; Huber, Thomas; Hussain, Sunyia; Stone, Katherine M.; Kinnebrew, Maia; Kaminker, Ilia; Matalon, Erez; Sherwin, Mark S.; Goldfarb, Daniella; Han, Songi
Structure 22, 1677 (2014), [www]

Antenna-Boosted Mixing Of Terahertz And Near-Infrared Radiation
Banks, Hunter B.; Hofmann, Andrea; Mack, Shawn; Gossard, Arthur C.; Sherwin, Mark S.
Applied Physics Letters 105, (2014), [www]

Theory Of Low-Power Ultra-Broadband Terahertz Sideband Generation In Bi-Layer Graphene
Crosse, J. A.; Xu, Xiaodong; Sherwin, Mark S.; Liu, R. B.
Nature Communications 5, (2014), [www]

Self-Assembled Ersb Nanostructures With Optical Applications In Infrared And Terahertz
Lu, Hong; Ouellette, Daniel G.; Preu, Sascha; Watts, Justin D.; Zaks, Benjamin; Burke, Peter G.; Sherwin, Mark S.; Gossard, Arthur C.
Nano Letters 14, 1107 (2014), [www]


Terahertz Electron-Hole Recollisions In Gaas/Algaas Quantum Wells: Robustness To Scattering By Optical Phonons And Thermal Fluctuations
Banks, Hunter; Zaks, Ben; Yang, Fan; Mack, Shawn; Gossard, Arthur C.; Liu, Renbao; Sherwin, Mark S.
Physical Review Letters 111, (2013), [www]

High-Order Sideband Generation In Bulk Gaas
Zaks, B.; Banks, H.; Sherwin, M. S.
Applied Physics Letters 102, (2013), [www]

Near Infrared Frequency Dependence Of High-Order Sideband Generation
Zaks, Benjamin; Banks, Hunter; Liu, Ren-Bao; Sherwin, Mark
Physics Of Semiconductors 1566, 429 (2013), [www]

Broadband Thz Detection And Homodyne Mixing Using Gaas High-Electron-Mobility Transistor Rectifiers
Preu, S.; Regensburger, S.; Kim, S.; Mittendorff, M.; Winnerl, S.; Malzer, S.; Lu, H.; Burke, P. G.; Gossard, A. C.; Weber, H. B.; Sherwin, M. S.
Millimetre Wave And Terahertz Sensors And Technology Vi 8900, (2013), [www]

Extending The Distance Range Accessed With Continuous Wave Epr With Gd3+ Spin Probes At High Magnetic Fields
Edwards, Devin T.; Ma, Zhidong; Meade, Thomas J.; Goldfarb, Daniella; Han, Songi; Sherwin, Mark S.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15, 11313 (2013), [www]

Phase Cycling With A 240 Ghz, Free Electron Laser-Powered Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Edwards, Devin T.; Zhang, Yun; Glaser, Steffen J.; Han, Songi; Sherwin, Mark S.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15, 5707 (2013), [www]


Distance Measurements Across Randomly Distributed Nitroxide Probes From The Temperature Dependence Of The Electron Spin Phase Memory Time At 240 Ghz
Edwards, Devin T.; Takahashi, Susumu; Sherwin, Mark S.; Han, Songi
Journal Of Magnetic Resonance 223, 198 (2012), [www]

Pulsed Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Powered By A Free-Electron Laser
Takahashi, S.; Brunel, L. -C.; Edwards, D. T.; Van Tol, J.; Ramian, G.; Han, S.; Sherwin, M. S.
Nature 489, 409 (2012), [www]

Detection Of Nanosecond-Scale, High Power Thz Pulses With A Field Effect Transistor
Preu, S.; Lu, H.; Sherwin, M. S.; Gossard, A. C.
Review Of Scientific Instruments 83, (2012), [www]

Terahertz Detection By A Homodyne Field Effect Transistor Multiplicative Mixer
Preu, Sascha; Kim, Sangwoo; Verma, Ravi; Burke, Peter G.; Vinh, Nguyen Q.; Sherwin, Mark S.; Gossard, Arthur C.
Ieee Transactions On Terahertz Science And Technology 2, 278 (2012), [www]

Experimental Observation Of Electron-Hole Recollisions
Zaks, B.; Liu, R. B.; Sherwin, M. S.
Nature 483, 580 (2012), [www]

Terahertz Ionization Of Highly Charged Quantum Posts In A Perforated Electron Gas
Morris, Christopher M.; Stehr, Dominik; Kim, Hyochul; Tuan-Anh Truong; Pryor, Craig; Petroff, Pierre M.; Sherwin, Mark S.
Nano Letters 12, 1115 (2012), [www]

Enhanced Performance Of Resonant Sub-Terahertz Detection In A Plasmonic Cavity
Dyer, G. C.; Preu, S.; Aizin, G. R.; Mikalopas, J.; Grine, A. D.; Reno, J. L.; Hensley, J. M.; Vinh, N. Q.; Gossard, A. C.; Sherwin, M. S.; Allen, S. J.; Shaner, E. A.
Applied Physics Letters 100, (2012), [www]

An Improved Model For Non-Resonant Terahertz Detection In Field-Effect Transistors
Preu, S.; Kim, S.; Verma, R.; Burke, P. G.; Sherwin, M. S.; Gossard, A. C.
Journal Of Applied Physics 111, (2012), [www]


Coherent Control Of A Thz Intersubband Polarization In A Voltage Controlled Single Quantum Well
Wagner, M.; Helm, M.; Sherwin, M. S.; Stehr, D.
Applied Physics Letters 99, (2011), [www]

Thz-Driven Quantum Wells: Coulomb Interactions And Stark Shifts In The Ultrastrong Coupling Regime
Zaks, Benjamin; Stehr, Dominik; Truong, Tuan-Anh; Petroff, Pierre M.; Hughes, Stephen; Sherwin, Mark S.
New Journal Of Physics 13, (2011), [www]

Ultrafast Carrier Capture And Thz Resonances In Ingaas Quantum Posts
Stehr, D.; Morris, C. M.; Talbayev, D.; Wagner, M.; Kim, H. C.; Taylor, A. J.; Schneider, H.; Petroff, P. M.; Sherwin, M. S.
Ultrafast Phenomena In Semiconductors And Nanostructure Materials Xv 7937, (2011), [www]


High-Performance Fiber-Laser-Based Terahertz Spectrometer
Stehr, Dominik; Morris, Christopher M.; Schmidt, Christian; Sherwin, Mark S.
Optics Letters 35, 3799 (2010), [www]

Terahertz Detection With Field-Effect-Transistors Via Bulk Plasmon-Assisted Self-Mixing
Kim, Sangwoo; Sherwin, Mark S.
Terahertz Physics, Devices, And Systems Iv: Advanced Applications In Industry And Defense 7671, (2010), [www]


Ultrafast Carrier Capture In Ingaas Quantum Posts
Stehr, D.; Morris, C. M.; Talbayev, D.; Wagner, M.; Kim, H. C.; Taylor, A. J.; Schneider, H.; Petroff, P. M.; Sherwin, M. S.
Applied Physics Letters 95, (2009), [www]

Cavity Dumping Of An Injection-Locked Free-Electron Laser
Takahashi, Susumu; Ramian, Gerald; Sherwin, Mark S.
Applied Physics Letters 95, (2009), [www]

High-Q Terahertz Microcavities In Silicon Photonic Crystal Slabs
Yee, Cristo M.; Sherwin, Mark S.
Applied Physics Letters 94, (2009), [www]

Coherent Manipulation And Decoherence Of S=10 Single-Molecule Magnets
Takahashi, Susumu; Van Tol, Johan; Beedle, Christopher C.; Hendrickson, David N.; Brunel, Louis-Claude; Sherwin, Mark S.
Physical Review Letters 102, (2009), [www]

]Coherent Manipulation And Decoherence Of S=10 Single-Molecule Magnets
Takahashi, Susumu; Van Tol, Johan; Beedle, Christopher C.; Hendrickson, David N.; Brunel, Louis-Claude; Sherwin, Mark S.
Physical Review Letters 102, (2009), [www]


High Fidelity Optical Readout Of Excited-State Lifetimes And Ionization Of Hydrogenic Donors In Gaas
Allen, D. G.; Kim, Sangwoo; Stanley, C. R.; Sherwin, M. S.
Applied Physics Letters 93, (2008), [www]

Quenching Spin Decoherence In Diamond Through Spin Bath Polarization
Takahashi, Susumu; Hanson, Ronald; Van Tol, Johan; Sherwin, Mark S.; Awschalom, David D.
Physical Review Letters 101, (2008), [www]

Room Temperature Terahertz Detection Based On Bulk Plasmons In Antenna-Coupled Gaas Field Effect Transistors
Kim, Sangwoo; Zimmerman, Jeramy D.; Focardi, Paolo; Gossard, Arthur C.; Wu, Dong Ho; Sherwin, Mark S.
Applied Physics Letters 92, (2008), [www]

Pulsed Epr Spectrometer With Injection-Locked Ucsb Free-Electron Laser
Takahashi, Susumu; Allen, Dan G.; Seifter, Jason; Ramian, Gerald; Sherwin, Mark S.; Brunel, Louis-Claude; Van Tol, Johan
Infrared Physics & Technology 51, 426 (2008), [www]

Growth And Optical Properties Of Self-Assembled Ingaas Quantum Posts
Krenner, H. J.; Pryor, C.; He, J.; Zhang, J. P.; Wu, Y.; Morris, C. M.; Sherwin, M. S.; Petroff, P. M.
Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures 40, 1785 (2008), [www]


Transmission Of Single Mode Ultrathin Terahertz Photonic Crystal Slabs
Yee, Cristo; Jukam, Nathan; Sherwin, Mark
Applied Physics Letters 91, (2007), [www]

A Diffraction-Compensating 0-25 Ns Free Space Terahertz Delay Line For Coherent Quantum Control
Allen, D. G.; Sherwin, M. S.; Takahashi, S.; Ramian, G.
Review Of Scientific Instruments 78, (2007), [www]

Submegahertz Linewidth At 240 Ghz From An Injection-Locked Free-Electron Laser
Takahashi, Susumu; Ramian, Gerald; Sherwin, Mark S.; Brunel, Louis-Claude; Van Tol, Johan
Applied Physics Letters 91, (2007), [www]

Growth, Structural, And Optical Properties Of Self-Assembled (In,Ga)As Quantum Posts On Gaas
He, J.; Krenner, H. J.; Pryor, C.; Zhang, J. P.; Wu, Y.; Allen, D. G.; Morris, C. M.; Sherwin, M. S.; Petroff, P. M.
Nano Letters 7, 802 (2007), [www]


Patterned Femtosecond Laser Excitation Of Terahertz Leaky Modes In Gaas Photonic Crystals
Jukam, Nathan; Yee, Cristo; Sherwin, Mark S.; Fushman, Ilya; Vuckovic, Jelena
Applied Physics Letters 89, (2006), [www]


Quantum Coherence In An Optical Modulator
Carter, Sg; Birkedal, V; Wang, Cs; Coldren, La; Maslov, Av; Citrin, Ds; Sherwin, Ms
Science 310, 651 (2005), [www]

Controllable Charge Storage In Quantum Dots With Independent Tuning Of Electric Fields
Gill, Ks; Moskovitz, N; Wang, Lc; Sherwin, Ms; Badolato, A; Gerardot, B; Petroff, P
Applied Physics Letters 87, (2005), [www]

Terahertz-Optical Mixing In Undoped And Doped Gaas Quantum Wells: From Excitonic To Electronic Intersubband Transitions
Carter, Sg; Ciulin, V; Hanson, M; Huntington, As; Wang, Cs; Gossard, Ac; Coldren, La; Sherwin, Ms
Physical Review B 72, (2005), [www]

Optically Detected Measurement Of The Ground-State Population Of An Ensemble Of Neutral Donors In Gaas
Allen, Dg; Sherwin, Ms; Stanley, Cr
Physical Review B 72, (2005), [www]

Verification Of Polarization Selection Rules And Implementation Of Selective Coherent Manipulations Of Hydrogenic Transitions In N-Gaas
Doty, Mf; King, Bt; Sherwin, Ms; Stanley, Cr
Physical Review B 71, (2005), [www]


Terahertz Optical Mixing In Biased Gaas Single Quantum Wells
Ciulin, V; Carter, Sg; Sherwin, Ms; Huntington, A; Coldren, La
Physical Review B 70, (2004), [www]

Wavelength-Specific Laser-Activated Switches For Improved Contrast Ratio In Generation Of Short Thz Pulses
Doty, Mf; Cole, Be; King, Bt; Sherwin, Ms
Review Of Scientific Instruments 75, 2921 (2004), [www]

Two-Dimensional Terahertz Photonic Crystals Fabricated By Deep Reactive Ion Etching In Si (Vol 83, Pg 21, 2003)
Jukam, N; Sherwin, Ms
Applied Physics Letters 84, 1807 (2004), [www]

Terahertz Electro-Optic Wavelength Conversion In Gaas Quantum Wells: Improved Efficiency And Room-Temperature Operation
Carter, Sg; Ciulin, V; Sherwin, Ms; Hanson, M; Huntington, A; Coldren, La; Gossard, Ac
Applied Physics Letters 84, 840 (2004), [www]


Two-Dimensional Terahertz Photonic Crystals Fabricated By Deep Reactive Ion Etching In Si
Jukam, N; Sherwin, Ms
Applied Physics Letters 83, 21 (2003), [www]

Strong-Field Terahertz Optical Mixing In Excitons
Su, My; Carter, Sg; Sherwin, Ms; Huntington, A; Coldren, La
Physical Review B 67, (2003), [www]


Nonlinear Dynamics In Far-Infrared Driven Quantum-Well Intersubband Transitions
Batista, Aa; Tamborenea, Pi; Birnir, B; Sherwin, Ms; Citrin, Ds
Physical Review B 66, (2002), [www]

Photothermal Transitions Of Magnetoexcitons In Gaas/Alxga1-Xas Quantum Wells
Cerne, J; Kono, J; Su, M; Sherwin, Ms
Physical Review B 66, (2002), [www]

Applied Physics – Terahertz Power
Sherwin, M
Nature 420, 131 (2002), [www]

Voltage-Controlled Wavelength Conversion By Terahertz Electro-Optic Modulation In Double Quantum Wells
Su, My; Carter, Sg; Sherwin, Ms; Huntington, A; Coldren, La
Applied Physics Letters 81, 1564 (2002), [www]


Dissipation Of Intersubband Plasmons In Wide Quantum Wells
Williams, Jb; Sherwin, Ms; Maranowski, Kd; Gossard, Ac
Physical Review Letters 87, (2001), [www]

Coherent Manipulation Of Semiconductor Quantum Bits With Terahertz Radiation
Cole, Be; Williams, Jb; King, Bt; Sherwin, Ms; Stanley, Cr
Nature 410, 60 (2001), [www]

Terahertz-Frequency Intraband Absorption In Semiconductor Quantum Dot Molecules
Boucaud, P; Gill, Ks; Williams, Jb; Sherwin, Ms; Schoenfeld, Wv; Petroff, Pm
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research 224, 443 (2001), 2000

Terahertz-Frequency Electronic Coupling In Vertically Coupled Quantum Dots
Boucaud, P; Williams, Jb; Gill, Ks; Sherwin, Ms; Schoenfeld, Wv; Petroff, Pm
Applied Physics Letters 77, 4356 (2000),

Saturation Of Thz-Frequency Intraband Absorption In Inas/Gaas Quantum Dot Molecules
Boucaud, P; Gill, Ks; Williams, Jb; Sherwin, Ms; Schoenfeld, Wv; Petroff, Pm
Applied Physics Letters 77, 510 (2000), [www]

Subharmonic Generation In A Driven Asymmetric Quantum Well
Batista, Aa; Birnir, B; Sherwin, Ms
Physical Review B 61, 15108 (2000), [www]

First-Order Coherent Thz Optical Sideband Generation From Asymmetric Qw Intersubband Transitions
Phillips, C; Su, My; Ko, J; Coldren, L; Sherwin, Ms
Physica E 7, 187 (2000), [www]

Linewidth And Dephasing Of Thz-Frequency Collective Intersubband Transitions In A Gaas/Algaas Quantum Well
Williams, Jb; Sherwin, Ms; Maranowski, Kd; Kadow, C; Gossard, Ac
Physica E 7, 204 (2000), [www]

Time-Resolved Photoresponse Of A Gallium-Doped Germanium Photoconductor Using A Variable Pulse-Width Terahertz Source
Hegmann, Fa; Williams, Jb; Cole, B; Sherwin, Ms; Beeman, Jw; Haller, Ee
Applied Physics Letters 76, 262 (2000), [www]


Odd Terahertz Optical Sidebands From Asymmetric Excitonic Intersubband Excitation
Su, My; Phillips, C; Ko, J; Coldren, L; Sherwin, Ms
Physica B 272, 438 (1999), [www]

Quantum Information Processing Using Quantum Dot Spins And Cavity Qed
Imamoglu, A; Awschalom, Dd; Burkard, G; Divincenzo, Dp; Loss, D; Sherwin, M; Small, A
Physical Review Letters 83, 4204 (1999), [www]

Generation Of First-Order Terahertz Optical Sidebands In Asymmetric Coupled Quantum Wells
Phillips, C; Su, My; Sherwin, Ms; Ko, J; Coldren, L
Applied Physics Letters 75, 2728 (1999), [www]

Quantum Computation With Quantum Dots And Terahertz Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Sherwin, Ms; Imamoglu, A; Montroy, T
Physical Review A 60, 3508 (1999), [www]

Quantum Well Based Tunable Antenna-Coupled Intersubband Terahertz (Tacit) Detectors At 1.8-2.4 Thz
Cates, C; Williams, Jb; Sherwin, Ms; Maranowski, Kd; Gossard, Ac
Terahertz Spectroscopy And Applications 3617, 58 (1999), [www]

Coherent Terahertz Mixing Spectroscopy Of Asymmetric Quantum Well Intersubband Transitions
Su, My; Phillips, C; Kadow, C; Ko, J; Coldren, La; Gossard, Ac; Sherwin, Ms
Terahertz Spectroscopy And Applications 3617, 106 (1999), [www]

Linewidth Of Thz Intersubband Transitions In Gaas Algaas Quantum Wells
Williams, Jb; Sherwin, Ms; Maranowski, Kd; Kadow, C; Gossard, Ac
Terahertz Spectroscopy And Applications 3617, 126 (1999), [www]

Terahertz Excitation, Transport And Spectroscopy Of An Afm-Defined Quantum Dot
Qureshi, N; Allen, Sj; Kamiya, I; Nakamura, Y; Sakaki, H
Terahertz Spectroscopy And Applications 3617, 133 (1999), [www]

Terahertz Harmonic Generation From Bloch Oscillating Superlattices In Quasi-Optical Arrays
Wanke, Mc; Scott, Js; Allen, Sj; Maranowski, Kd; Gossard, Ac
Terahertz Spectroscopy And Applications 3617, 148 (1999), [www]

Subharmonic Generation In A Driven Asymmetric Quantum Well
Birnir, B; Batista, Aa; Sherwin, Ms
Terahertz Spectroscopy And Applications 3617, 159 (1999), [www]

Characterization Of Photoconducting Materials Using Variable Length Picosecond Terahertz Pulses
Cole, B; Hegmann, F; Williams, J; Sherwin, M; Beeman, J; Haller, E
Terahertz Spectroscopy And Applications 3617, 164 (1999), [www]

Open Confocal Resonators With Quasi-Optical Arrays To Measure Thz Dynamics Of Quantum Tunneling Devices
Scott, Js; Wanke, Mc; Allen, Sj; Maranowski, Kd; Gossard, Ac; Chow, Dh
Terahertz Spectroscopy And Applications 3617, 176 (1999), [www]

erahertz Excitation, Transport And Spectroscopy Of An Afm-Defined Quantum Dot
Qureshi, N; Allen, Sj; Kamiya, I; Nakamura, Y; Sakaki, H
Terahertz Spectroscopy And Applications 3617, 133 (1999), [www]

Terahertz Harmonic Generation From Bloch Oscillating Superlattices In Quasi-Optical Arrays
Wanke, Mc; Scott, Js; Allen, Sj; Maranowski, Kd; Gossard, Ac
Terahertz Spectroscopy And Applications 3617, 148 (1999), [www]

Subharmonic Generation In A Driven Asymmetric Quantum Well
Birnir, B; Batista, Aa; Sherwin, Ms
Terahertz Spectroscopy And Applications 3617, 159 (1999), [www]

Characterization Of Photoconducting Materials Using Variable Length Picosecond Terahertz Pulses
Cole, B; Hegmann, F; Williams, J; Sherwin, M; Beeman, J; Haller, E
Terahertz Spectroscopy And Applications 3617, 164 (1999), [www]

Open Confocal Resonators With Quasi-Optical Arrays To Measure Thz Dynamics Of Quantum Tunneling Devices
Scott, Js; Wanke, Mc; Allen, Sj; Maranowski, Kd; Gossard, Ac; Chow, Dh
Terahertz Spectroscopy And Applications 3617, 176 (1999), [www]


Resonant Generation Of Terahertz Optical Sidebands From Confined Magnetoexcitons
Kono, J; Su, My; Cerne, J; Allen, Sj; Inoshita, T; Noda, T; Sakaki, H
Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms 144, 115 (1998), [www]

Measurements Of Far-Infrared Intersubband Absorption Linewidths In Gaas/Algaas Quantum Wells As A Function Of Temperature And Charge Density
Williams, Jb; Craig, K; Sherwin, Ms; Campman, K; Gossard, Ac
Physica E 2, 177 (1998), [www]

A Concept For A Tunable Antenna-Coupled Intersubband Terahertz (Tacit) Detector
Cates, Cl; Briceno, G; Sherwin, Ms; Maranowski, Kd; Campman, K; Gossard, Ac
Physica E 2, 463 (1998), [www]

Intersubband Scattering Of Cold Electrons In A Coupled Quantum Well With Subband Spacing Below Hw(Lo)
Heyman, Jn; Barnhorst, J; Unterrainer, K; Williams, J; Sherwin, Ms; Campman, K; Gossard, Ac
Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures 2, 195 (1998), [www]

Terahertz Dynamics In Confined Magnetoexcitons
Kono, J; Su, My; Cerne, J; Sherwin, Ms; Allen, Sj; Inoshita, T; Noda, T; Sakaki, H
Physica B-Condensed Matter 249, 527 (1998), [www]

Terahertz Optics Of Semiconductor Nanostructures Near And Far From Equilibrium
Sherwin, Ms
Current Opinion In Solid State & Materials Science 3, 191 (1998), [www]


Terahertz Linear And Nonlinear Dynamics In Confined Magnetoexcitons
Kono, J; Su, My; Nordstrom, Kb; Cerne, J; Sherwin, Ms; Allen, Sj; Inoshita, T; Noda, T; Sakaki, H; Bauer, Gew; Sundaram, M; Gossard, Ac
Physica Status Solidi A-Applied Research 164, 567 (1997), [www]

Near-Infrared Sideband Generation Induced By Intense Far-Infrared Radiation In Gaas Quantum Wells
Cerne, J; Kono, J; Inoshita, T; Sherwin, M; Sundaram, M; Gossard, Ac
Applied Physics Letters 70, 3543 (1997), [www]


Intersubband Dynamics Of Asymmetric Quantum Wells Studied By Thz ‘Optical Rectification’
Unterrainer, K; Heyman, Jn; Craig, K; Galdrikian, B; Sherwin, Ms; Campman, K; Hopkins, Pf; Gossard, Ac
Semiconductor Science And Technology 11, 1591 (1996), [www]

Terahertz Dynamics Of Excitons In Gaas/Algaas Quantum Wells
Cerne, J; Kono, J; Sherwin, Ms; Sundaram, M; Gossard, Ac; Bauer, Gew
Physical Review Letters 77, 1131 (1996), [www]

Far-Infrared Pump-Probe Measurements Of The Intersubband Lifetime In An Algaas/Gaas Coupled-Quantum Well
Heyman, Jn; Unterrainer, K; Craig, K; Williams, J; Sherwin, Ms; Campman, K; Hopkins, Pf; Gossard, Ac; Murdin, Bn; Langerak, Cjgm
Applied Physics Letters 68, 3019 (1996), [www]

Undressing A Collective Intersubband Excitation In A Quantum Well
Craig, K; Galdrikian, B; Heyman, Jn; Markelz, Ag; Williams, Jb; Sherwin, Ms; Campman, K; Hopkins, Pf; Gossard, Ac
Physical Review Letters 76, 2382 (1996), [www]

Temperature Of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Electron Gases Under Steady-State Terahertz Drive
Asmar, Ng; Cerne, J; Markelz, Ag; Gwinn, Eg; Sherwin, Ms; Campman, Kl; Gossard, Ac
Applied Physics Letters 68, 829 (1996), [www]

Hot Excitons In Quantum Wells, Wires, And Dots
Cerne, J; Akiyama, H; Sherwin, Ms; Allen, Sj; Someya, T; Koshiba, S; Sakaki, H; Arakawa, Y; Nagamune, Y
Hot Carriers In Semiconductors , 305 (1996), [www]

Generation Of Picosecond Far-Infrared Pulses Using Laser-Activated Semiconductor Reflection Switches
Hegmann, Fa; Sherwin, Ms
Millimeter And Submillimeter Waves Iii 2842, 90 (1996), [www]

Nonlinear Resonant Optical Rectification In A Coupled Quantum Well
Unterrainer, K; Heyman, Jn; Craig, K; Galdrikian, B; Sherwin, Ms; Drexler, H; Campman, K; Hopkins, Pf; Gossard, Ac
Surface Science 361, 401 (1996), [www]

emperature Of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Electron Gases Under Steady-State Terahertz Drive
Asmar, Ng; Cerne, J; Markelz, Ag; Gwinn, Eg; Sherwin, Ms; Campman, Kl; Gossard, Ac
Applied Physics Letters 68, 829 (1996), [www]

Hot Excitons In Quantum Wells, Wires, And Dots
Cerne, J; Akiyama, H; Sherwin, Ms; Allen, Sj; Someya, T; Koshiba, S; Sakaki, H; Arakawa, Y; Nagamune, Y
Hot Carriers In Semiconductors , 305 (1996), [www]

Generation Of Picosecond Far-Infrared Pulses Using Laser-Activated Semiconductor Reflection Switches
Hegmann, Fa; Sherwin, Ms
Millimeter And Submillimeter Waves Iii 2842, 90 (1996), [www]

Nonlinear Resonant Optical Rectification In A Coupled Quantum Well
Unterrainer, K; Heyman, Jn; Craig, K; Galdrikian, B; Sherwin, Ms; Drexler, H; Campman, K; Hopkins, Pf; Gossard, Ac
Surface Science 361, 401 (1996), [www]


Nonlinear Multiphoton Resonances In Quantum-Wells
Galdrikian, B; Birnir, B; Sherwin, M
Physics Letters A 203, 319 (1995), [www]

Resonant-Energy Relaxation Of Terahertz-Driven 2-Dimensional Electron Gases
Asmar, Ng; Markelz, Ag; Gwinn, Eg; Cerne, J; Sherwin, Ms; Campman, Kl; Hopkins, Pf; Gossard, Ac
Physical Review B 51, 18041 (1995), [www]

Nonlinear Quantum Dynamics In Semiconductor Quantum-Wells
Sherwin, Ms; Craig, K; Galdrikian, B; Heyman, J; Markelz, A; Campman, K; Fafard, S; Hopkins, Pf; Gossard, A
Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena 83, 229 (1995), [www]

Materials Science In The Far-Ir With Electrostatic Based Fels
Allen, Sj; Craig, K; Galdrikian, B; Heyman, Jn; Kaminski, Jp; Scott, Js; Sherwin, Ms; Unterrainer, K; Wanke, M; Campman, K; Hopkins, Pf; Gossard, Ac; Chow, Dh; Lui, M; Lui, Tk
Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment 358, 536 (1995), [www]

Temperature And Intensity Dependence Of Intersubband Relaxation Rates From Photovoltage And Absorption
Heyman, Jn; Unterrainer, K; Craig, K; Galdrikian, B; Sherwin, Ms; Campman, K; Hopkins, Pf; Gossard, Ac
Physical Review Letters 74, 2682 (1995), [www]

Quenching Of Excitonic Quantum-Well Photoluminescence By Intense Far-Infrared Radiation – Free-Carrier Heating
Cerne, J; Markelz, Ag; Sherwin, Ms; Allen, Sj; Sundaram, M; Gossard, Ac; Vanson, Pc; Bimberg, D
Physical Review B 51, 5253 (1995), [www]

Optical Rectification As A Probe Of Quantum Dynamics In A Heterostructure
Unterrainer, K; Heyman, Jn; Craig, K; Galdrikian, B; Sherwin, Ms; Campman, K; Hopkins, Pf; Gossard, Ac
Superlattices And Microstructures 17, 159 (1995), [www]


Self-Consistent Floquet States For Periodically Driven Quantum-Wells
Galdrikian, B; Sherwin, M; Birnir, B
Physical Review B 49, 13744 (1994), [www]

Far-Infrared Saturation Spectroscopy Of A Single Square-Well
Craig, K; Felix, Cl; Heyman, Jn; Markelz, Ag; Sherwin, Ms; Campman, Kl; Hopkins, Pf; Gossard, Ac
Semiconductor Science And Technology 9, 627 (1994), [www]

Subcubic Power Dependence Of 3Rd-Harmonic Generation For Inplane, Far-Infrared Excitation Of Inas Quantum-Wells
Markelz, Ag; Asmar, Ng; Gwinn, Eg; Sherwin, Ms; Nguyen, C; Kroemer, H
Semiconductor Science And Technology 9, 634 (1994), [www]

Resonant Harmonic-Generation And Dynamic Screening In A Double-Quantum-Well
Heyman, Jn; Craig, K; Galdrikian, B; Sherwin, Ms; Campman, K; Hopkins, Pf; Fafard, S; Gossard, Ac
Physical Review Letters 72, 2183 (1994), [www]

Probing Terahertz Dynamics In Semiconductor Nanostructures With Ucsb Free-Electron Lasers
Allen, Sj; Craig, K; Felix, Cl; Guimaraes, P; Heyman, Jn; Kaminski, Jp; Keay, Bj; Markelz, Ag; Ramian, G; Scott, Js; Sherwin, Ms; Campman, Kl; Hopkins, Pf; Gossard, Ac; Chow, D; Lui, M; Liu, Ty
Journal Of Luminescence 60-1, 250 (1994), [www]

Giant 3Rd-Order Nonlinear Susceptibilities For Inplane Far-Infrared Excitation Of Single Inas Quantum-Wells
Markelz, Ag; Gwinn, Eg; Sherwin, Ms; Nguyen, C; Kroemer, H
Solid-State Electronics 37, 1243 (1994), [www]

Probing Terahertz Electron Dynamics In Semiconductor Nanostructures With The Uc Santa-Barbara Fels
Kaminski, Jp; Allen, Sj; Sherwin, M; Keay, B; Scott, Js; Craig, K; Heyman, J; Guimaraes, P; Campman, Kl; Hopkins, Pf; Gossard, Ac; Chow, D; Lui, M; Liu, Ty
Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment 341, 169 (1994), [www]

Photoluminescence As A Probe Of The Interaction Of Intense Far-Infrared Radiation With Semiconductor Quantum Structures
Vanson, Pc; Cerne, J; Sherwin, Ms; Allen, Sj; Sundaram, M; Tan, Ih; Bimberg, D
Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment 341, 174 (1994), [www]

Resonant Harmonic Generation Near 100 Mu M In An Asymmetric Double Quantum Well
Heyman, Jn; Craig, K; Sherwin, Ms; Campman, K; Hopkins, Pf; Fafard, S; Gossard, Ac
Quantum Well Intersubband Transition Physics And Devices 270, 467 (1994), [www]

Impulse-Response Of Switching Nbse3
Levy, J; Sherwin, Ms
Solid State Communications 89, 175 (1994), [www]


Impulse-Response Of The Switching Charge-Density-Wave Conductor Nbse3
Levy, J; Sherwin, Ms
Physical Review B 48, 12223 (1993), [www]

Low-Dimensional Chaos And High-Dimensional Behavior In The Switching Charge-Density-Wave Conductor Nbse3
Levy, J; Sherwin, Ms; Theiler, J
Physical Review B 48, 7857 (1993), [www]

Far-Infrared 2Nd-Harmonic Generation In Gaas/Alxga1-Xas Heterostructures – Perturbative And Nonperturbative Response
Bewley, Ww; Felix, Cl; Plombon, Jj; Sherwin, Ms; Sundaram, M; Hopkins, Pf; Gossard, Ac
Physical Review B 48, 2376 (1993), [www]

Time-Domain Study Of Low-Dimensional Chaos In The Switching Charge-Density-Wave Conductor Nbse3
Levy, J; Sherwin, Ms; Theiler, J
Physical Review Letters 70, 2597 (1993), [www]

Nonperturbative Resonances In Periodically Driven Quantum-Wells
Birnir, B; Galdrikian, B; Grauer, R; Sherwin, M
Physical Review B 47, 6795 (1993), [www]


Unified Model Of Switching And Nonswitching Charge-Density-Wave Dynamics
Levy, J; Sherwin, Ms; Abraham, Ff; Wiesenfeld, K
Physical Review Letters 68, 2968 (1992), [www]

Far-Infrared Capture Of Electrons By Dx Centers
Plombon, Jj; Bewley, Ww; Felix, Cl; Sherwin, Ms; Hopkins, P; Sundaram, M; Gossard, Ac
Applied Physics Letters 60, 1972 (1992), [www]

Photoluminescence From Alxga1-Xas/Gaas Quantum-Wells Quenched By Intense Far-Infrared Radiation
Quinlan, Sm; Nikroo, A; Sherwin, Ms; Sundaram, M; Gossard, Ac
Physical Review B 45, 9428 (1992), [www]

Nonlinear Dynamics Of A Breakable Chain At Threshold
Wiesenfeld, K; Sherwin, M
Physical Review A 45, 3467 (1992), [www]


Poincare Sections Of Charge-Density-Wave Dynamics – Mode-Locking
Levy, J; Sherwin, Ms
Physical Review Letters 67, 2846 (1991), [www]

Effect Of Random Noise On A Mode-Locked System
Crommie, Mf; Craig, K; Sherwin, Ms; Zettl, A
Physical Review B 43, 13699 (1991), [www]

Conduction Delays In Switching Nbse3 – Sensitive Dependence On The Initial Configuration
Levy, J; Sherwin, Ms
Physical Review B 43, 8391 (1991), [www]


A Novel Switching Phenomenon In Quenched Nbse3
Svoboda, K; Zettl, A; Sherwin, Ms
Solid State Communications 70, 859 (1989), [www]

C-Axis Stress Dependence Of Normal And Superconducting State Properties Of Yba2Cu3O7
Crommie, Mf; Liu, Ay; Zettl, A; Cohen, Ml; Parilla, P; Hundley, Mf; Creager, Wn; Hoen, S; Sherwin, Ms
Physical Review B 39, 4231 (1989), [www]


Switching And Charge-Density-Wave Transport In Nbse3 .3. Dynamical Instabilities
Sherwin, Ms; Zettl, A; Hall, Rp
Physical Review B 38, 13028 (1988), [www]

Temperature-Dependent Far-Infrared Reflectance Of La-Sr-Cu-O And La-Ca-Cu-O – Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer Electrodynamics But Uncertain Energy-Gap
Sherwin, Ms; Richards, Pl; Zettl, A
Physical Review B 37, 1587 (1988), [www]


Complete Excitation Spectrum For A Charge-Density-Wave System
Sherwin, Ms; Zettl, A; Richards, Pl
Physical Review B 36, 6708 (1987), [www]

Energy-Gap In The High-Tc Superconductor La1.85Sr0.15Cuo4
Walter, U; Sherwin, Ms; Stacy, A; Richards, Pl; Zettl, A
Physical Review B 35, 5327 (1987), [www]


Model Of Charge-Density Wave Elasticity
Sherwin, Ms; Zettl, A
Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena 23, 62 (1986), [www]

Dynamics Of Charge-Density Wave Conductors – Broken Coherence, Chaos, And Noisy Precursors
Zettl, A; Sherwin, Ms; Hall, Rp
Physica B & C 143, 69 (1986), [www]

Elastic Properties Of Charge-Density-Wave Conductors – Ac-Dc Electric-Field Coupling
Bourne, Lc; Sherwin, Ms; Zettl, A
Physical Review Letters 56, 1952 (1986), [www]


Ac Conductivity Of The Blue Bronze K0.3Moo3
Hall, Rp; Sherwin, M; Zettl, A
Lecture Notes In Physics 217, 314 (1985), [www]

Chaos In Charge-Density Wave Systems
Zettl, A; Sherwin, M; Hall, Rp
Lecture Notes In Physics 217, 333 (1985), [www]

Chaotic Response Of Driven Charge-Density Wave Systems
Zettl, A; Hall, Rp; Sherwin, M
Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals 121, 49 (1985), [www]

Complete Charge-Density-Wave Mode-Locking And Freeze-Out Of Fluctuations In Nbse3
Sherwin, Ms; Zettl, A
Physical Review B 32, 5536 (1985), [www]

Chaotic Ac Conductivity In The Charge-Density-Wave State Of (Tase4)2I – Comment
Moses, D; Denenstein, A
Physical Review Letters 55, 3007 (1985), [www]

Chaotic Ac Conductivity In The Charge-Density-Wave State Of (Tase4)2I – Response
Sherwin, Ms; Hall, Rp; Zettl, A
Physical Review Letters 55, 3008 (1985), [www]

Collective-Mode Ac Conduction In The Blue Bronze K0.3Moo3
Hall, Rp; Sherwin, Ms; Zettl, A
Solid State Communications 54, 683 (1985), [www]


Chaotic Response Of Nbse3 – Evidence For A New Charge-Density-Wave Phase
Hall, Rp; Sherwin, M; Zettl, A
Physical Review B 29, 7076 (1984), [www]

Chaotic Ac Conductivity In The Charge-Density-Wave State Of (Tase4)2I
Sherwin, M; Hall, R; Zettl, A
Physical Review Letters 53, 1387 (1984), [www]

Negative Differential Resistance And Instability In Nbse3
Hall, Rp; Sherwin, M; Zettl, A
Physical Review Letters 52, 2293 (1984), [www]